September 29, 2007

Multi Media

A NEW PRODUCT...was being offered to selected retailers for resale. Test mailings were to be followed by big mailings to those groups responding well. Between the test and the full mailing, we were retained to introduce the product via publicity.

IT WAS A BASIC CAMPAIGN...We reached potential retailers with news of the product through their trade publications. Reached them -- and the consumer too -- through news briefs in dailies via syndicates and in product columns of Sunday supplements and national consumer and business magazines. In many cases, the product stories alone helped establish distribution and consumer sales.

AS TO THE quote the man who knows how to sell by mail: "The follow-up mailings showed an increase of more than 50% over the test. Much too large to be an accident and since no space advertising had been used I give full credit to the PR work."

Of course, this wasn't the end of publicity for the product. Once initial distribution was established, we followed up with product features placed directly in dailies across the country -- carrying local dealer credits. This and other forms of product publicity continued to work with direct mail to build further distribution and sales.

January 1960

Eric's note: The wisdom of using multiple media to deliver a message is as strong as ever.

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